Marine Research and Innovation for a Sustainable management of Coasts and Oceans
MARISCO starts by acknowledging that drivers of change – biological responses and sustainable management strategies (and even targets) – are multidimensional, but their assessment and implementation in management is often conducted in simplified effect-response frameworks.
Understanding the relative importance of anthropogenic changes in marine communities in terms of composition, richness, dominance and interaction webs.
Quantifying the variety and strength of feedbacks between multiple aspects of biodiversity change and multiple dimensions of Nature’s Contribution to People (NCP).
Co-developing targets and strategies for a sustainable management of coastal marine ecosystems in cooperation with stakeholders.
Latest Updates
CRA Oceans Mid-Term Meeting team updates (28 June 2023)
South African team objectives:
Objective 1: By means of a literature review, assess the current state of knowledge of globally forecasted human pressures on the ocean.
Paper in prep​
Objective 2: Develop dynamic ocean management tools, with alternative management strategies.
A Biodiversity Management Plan for humpback dolphins in South African waters​
Objective 3: Sharing experiences and lessons learnt when developing a Marine Spatial Plan for a local area, by means of a Massive Open Online Course.
To be available from March 2024​